Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pumpkin (2002)

Anyone who doesn't think this movie is great is retarded...

Pumpkin is one of the great underrated absurdist comedies of the New Millennium. It's about a perfect and popular sorority sister named Carolyn who falls in love with a retard...yup, you read that correctly. A hot chick falls for a retarded kid (named Pumpkin no less) and they totally have sex. Try to watch it and not feel uncomfortable! It cannot be done!

The hot retard-banging chick is played by the boner-inducing Christina Ricci. Ricci shows up naked in lots of films (Black Snake Moan, Prozac Nation) and she looks like the kind of girl who probably has chlamydia but you go ahead and do her anyway and accept the consequences. I've had a thing for her ever since I saw her as Wednesday in The Adams Family (which isn't weird or creepy because I was like, eight, when I saw that movie).

Seriously, dumb people won't enjoy this movie because it doesn't tell you when to laugh or even whether or not you should. The characters and the acting are real over the top (Ricci goes way, WAY over the top at times), but it's never silly or wacky like a Farrelly Brothers movie. The emotion is real, the relationship kinda sweet, and the soundtrack is haunting and really adds to the overall confusion of the movie.

This is also one of those rare movies that actually says something. In life, you have your insiders (the sorority sisters) and your outsiders (in this case, the mentally challenged athletes competing in the Special Olympics). People always feel sorry for the outsiders and will toss them some charity every once in a while but if any outsider tries to do anything relatively normal (like bang a hot sorority sister) no one can accept it, because, in the end, society only wants to feel sorry for outsiders, not treat them as equals.

Or maybe it's just saying that most sorority sisters are as intelligent as fully-functioning retards.

Regardless of the message, one thing is clear: when the short bus is a'rockin', don't come a'knockin'!

Why It's Awesome: It's Romeo and Juliet...except in this version, instead of being a Montague, Romeo is retarded. And kudos to the makers of this film for not pussying out and having Carolyn and Pumpkin have sex. You can't go halfway on a concept like this and they certainly didn't pull any punches.

Best Quote:

Carolyn: I'm sorry. I'm leaving the sorority. I'm quitting SCSU. I'm transferring to a community college.

Julie: But Carolyn, you're a senior. You can't transfer to a community college. You have too many credits.

Carolyn: Then I'm transferring to Long Beach Tech.

{The sorority sisters GASP in horror}

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