Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wayne's World (1992)

It's Wayne's World!
Wayne's World!
Party time!

This is the best SNL spin-off ever...NOT! That would be The Blues Brothers, but it's definitely a close second and one of the best comedies of the early 90s. Not only did it transform many of the characters' catchphrases into popular lexicon but the movie actually invented a sound for popping a boner ("Schwing!") and for that reason alone, it deserves its place in history.

The main cast is EXCELLENT:

Mike Myers - I really hate Mike Myers because of all the Austin Powers catchphrases that have plagued our world since that movie's release, but it's not him I hate so much as the millions of annoying people who said them thinking they were as funny as Mike Myers ("Yeeeeeah, baby!" Umm...how about Nooooo, asshole!)

Dana Carvey - Here's the truth. Dana Carvey > Mike Myers. The box office may not agree but it's true. The man is the funniest SNL cast member EVER...period.

Tia Carrere - Not a great voice but I'm not sure she was hired because of her voice (psst...look at her tits)

Rob Lowe - The man LITERALLY says LITERALLY in this movie (you'll only get that reference if you watch Parks and Rec). Literally, one of the best bad guys of the 90s.

Oh, and Al Bundy plays Stan, the owner of the diner. That's right...Al Fuckin' Bundy...

Watching this movie now, I realize it has absolutely little to no recognizable plot; it's just one pointless segment after another (sprinkled with 90s references like Terminator and Grey Poupon), but it gets away with it and do you know why? Because it's fucking funny! After my recent viewing I realized I still use quotes from this movie to this day ("S'cuse me...I'd like to get BY now..."). Uh-oh. That can mean only one thing...


Wayne: Hey, Tiny, who's playing tonight?
Tiny: Jolly Green Giants and the Shitty Beatles.
Wayne: The Shitty Beatles? Are they any good?
Tiny: They suck.
Wayne: So it's not just a clever name.

Wayne: We broke up over two months ago.
Stacy: Well that doesn't mean we still can't go out, does it?
Wayne: Well it does actually.

Al Bundy: I'd never done a crazy thing in my life before that night. Why is it, that if a man kills another man in battle it's called heroic; yet if he kills a man in the heat of passion, it's called murder!

Really the only reason this movie works is that Wayne and Garth are so damn likable. They're right up there with Butch Cassidy/the Sundance Kid and Bill/Ted as the greatest movie tandem ever. Watch this movie and then listen to Bohemian Rhapsody and TRY not to headbang...you just can't do it. SCHWIIIIING!

Why It's Awesome: Two funny guys being funny in a funny movie saying and doing funny things. The formula for a successful comedy seems so simple and yet it's so rare we see one nowadays...

Quote I Still Use Every Single Time I Drive Through Delaware:

Wayne: Or imagine being able to be magically whisked away to...DELAWARE! (sounding totally bored out of his mind) Hi...I'm in Delaware.

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