Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Man in the Moon (1999)

We go from Jim Carrey speaking with his ass to Jim Carrey in a role that SHOULD have won him an Academy Award. Unfortunately for Jim Carrey, if he didn't win it for Man in the Moon, he's not going to...unless he makes Ace Ventura III with a Vengeance.

Andy Kaufman was the greatest entertainer in the history of mankind. He was a real life wrestling villain who had no idea how to separate real life from the world of entertainment. He was in business to entertain one person: himself. He never feared pissing off the audience or embarassing himself. That kind of courage is rare in this world and the fact that he succeeded in the entertainment industry is even more amazing. There will NEVER be another entertainer like him again.

His best creation, Tony Clifton, is one of the greatest creative characters ever, pure and unadulterated asshole. Unfortunately, if you watch the old videos of Andy Kaufman performing Tony Clifton, I think Jim Carrey does a better job of portraying Tony Clifton than Kaufman ever did. Seriously, there is no one else who cold have played this part. It's similar to Jamie Fox playing Ray Charles; Jim Carrey was simply born to play Andy Kaufman. Apparently Carrey loved Kaufman growing up and the love shows in the performance.

Whenever a bio pic comes out, the question is always how accurate and true to real life did the movie remain? To be honest, I could care less how much of the movie is accurate. Most of Andy's infamous stunts (although I would have loved to see the performance where he laid in a sleeping bag for ten minutes motionless) are represented in the movie and are well-documented, but as far as the real-life Kaufman is concerned, perhaps it's best we never know.

Why It's Awesome: There are so few interesting entertainers anymore. They're all cookie-cutter celebrities with the same PC persona...it truly makes me sick. Andy was anything but PC.

Best Quote:

Andy (as Foreign Man): I am from Caspier, an Island in the Caspian Sea...it sunk.

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