Saturday, October 2, 2010

Vanilla Sky (2001)

Mind Fuck Alert!

Mind Fuck Alert!

I saw this movie for the first time in the theater and when I got back home, my buddy asked me how it was and I said, "I have no fucking idea." It took me another week to decide whether or not I enjoyed the movie or not. And it took me another two viewings to finally make a final judgment on this movie...and here it is.

I hate Tom Cruise.

I hate Cameron Diaz.

I love this movie.

This is one of those movies that there is absolutely NO WAY you can guess what's happening until they explain it at the end. No way in hell can you guess that Citizen Dildo is actually dead and frozen, waiting to be reanimated and having a fucked up wet dream gone wrong. But that's not what makes this movie enjoyable.

This is one of the few movies where I actually FEEL something at the end. You have this rich asshole who meets this amazing Spanish chick and spends one amazing night with her but then makes the mistake of getting into a vehicle with a crazy chick who tries to kill him. But that's all their relationship ever is in reality...that one, perfect night.

But in David's dream, they have this elaborate, passionate relationship that seems to end when David tweeks out and murders her thinking she's Julie. And that would be sad enough but then you realize at the end that the relationship never happened in the first place. None of it happened. His one great love, it was nothing but a dream. And that's the saddest part of the whole thing - that the happiest part of his life was a fantasy. And even if he returns to life, Sophia is long dead. His chance for true love is gone...and that's worth some real emotion.

Why It's Awesome: A fucked up movie with a creative storyline and bizarre mix of reality and fantasy. And no one plays "going out of his mind" better than Tom Cruise.

Best Quote: Sophia: I'll tell you in another life, when we are both cats!

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