Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

When you talk about the greatest comedies of the 90's, Dumb and Dumber has to be part of the conversation, if not the horse to beat. It set the bar for wacky, slapstick comedies starring idiots that would follow such as Tommy Boy and There's Something About Mary. Basically all they did was make Homer Simpson a real person, duplicate him, and make an hour and a half movie about them...genius.

I don't know anyone who is worth anything who doesn't know a Dumb and Dumber quote. Let me hit you with a few:

- "We got no food, no jobs...OUR PETS HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!"

- "That's a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?"

- "Kick his ass, Sea Bass!"

- "Just when I thought you could possibly do anything dumber, you go and do something like this...AND TOTALLY REDEEM YOURSELF!"

This is another one of those movies that they play on TBS every fucking weekend so these quotes have become ingrained in people's heads. My college roommate loved this movie so much and had seen it so many times that he would get drunk and then recite the movie, line for line from beginning to end and not only that, but he would SING THE LYRICS TO THE TRANSITION SONGS BETWEEN SONGS. Now that is fucking impressive...and also a little sad.

The entire movie is hilarious from beginning to end and it possesses just enough plot to keep the whole thing moving along. No other actor could be Lloyd Christmas and Jeff Daniels is the perfect compliment to the facial expressions. Watch the movie and laugh your ass off!

Why It's Awesome: Two idiots on a cross-country trip with a suitcase full of money and riding on a gas-powered moped...genius in an idiotic sort of way.

Most Irreverent and Pointless Yet Still Hilarious Quote:

Lloyd: Hey guy! Whoa, Big Gulps, huh? (pause) Welp...see ya later!

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