Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Super Troopers (2001)

A few years back, some fellow movie fanatics and I (known collectively as "The Finer Things Club") rated the best Millennial comedies of the late 90s and early 2000s. We were mixed on movies like Anchorman and Happy Gilmore and Austin Powers, but Super Troopers finished solidly in everyone's top ten, and, when the dust settled, even though it had failed to receive a single #1 ranking, Super Troopers was the best Millennial comedy OF ALL TIME...and you know what? I can't argue.

Meow, forget that this movie doesn't star an A-list comedian, this movie is fucking funny. Basically this movie is about what anyone would love to do if they were a cop: fuck around and mess with people. Who wouldn't love to freak out stoners, wear a bullet-proof cup, chug maple syrup, play repeater, or fondle some kinky German chick listening to techno music in a stolen car?

Meow, the true measure of a legendary comedy is how many of its quotes become ingrained in one's everyday vocabulary. That's right, folks, it's meow time for a SUPER TROOPER QUOTE-OFF!

"Give me a liter o' cola."

"It stinks like sex in here."

"Car Ram-Rod!"

"Okie silly dilly dokie-o. I'm an idiot."


"I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says Shenanigans."

"I just lost a buck...TO MYSELF!"

"Ooooooh, shit! I got you good, fucker!"

"Who wants a mustache ride?"

"You are freakin' out...man."

"The Snozzberries taste like Snozzberries!"

Holy piss, meow, those are all things I say on a daily basis, as I'm sure most of you do. I even ask people if they want a mustache ride despite the fact I have never had, nor am I capable of growing a mustache. It's just common courtesy really.

In conclusion, if you didn't laugh your ass off reading those quotes, then either you are totally lame or you need to watch this movie at least a dozen times while stoned off your ass. DO IT MEOW!

I'm sorry, are you saying meow?

Why It's Awesome: One of (if not THE) best and most quotable movie of the New Millennium. A great cast, hilarious physical comedy, clever dialogue, just enough plot to move from one joke to another, and a guy in a costume that makes it look like he's having sex with a bear. What more do you people want?!

Best Quote (maybe not the best but it finishes the running joke):

Am I saying meow? Do I look like a cat to you, boy? Am I jumping around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree? Am I drinking milke from a saucer? Am I eating mice? Meow I'm gonna have to give you a ticket on this one. No buts meow. It's the law.

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