Saturday, November 19, 2011

Step Brothers (2008)

I've decided this month is going to be Millennial Comedy Month - a month of comedies that accomplished something rare during the first decade of the new millennium...made me laugh at a movie.

Step Brothers is the last epically hilarious Will Ferrell comedy ever made. He should probably just die because I don't believe he has another movie like this in him. Give the man credit: he starred in three truly hilarious films during the decade with Anchorman, Talladega, and Step Brothers whereas the funniest man of the 90s (Sandler) only scored two actual funny films (Madison and Happy). And please don't try to argue with me about Sandler's merits as a comedian or I will fill a pillowcase full of bars of soap and beat the shit out of you.

Really, if you look at all three, there's a common thread: Adam McKay (director extraordinaire). McKay gets the best out of Ferrell whereas other directors can only get him to run around the screen looking like a curly-headed fuck...a completely unfunny curly-headed fuck. John C. Reilly is the perfect comedy sidekick in this and Talladega (and try not to piss yourself watching him in Walk Hard...totally underrated). Plus you've got some great supporting actors in Mary Steenburgen and Richard Jenkins, but the unsung hero of this film has to be Adam Scott, who plays an asshole of epic proportions (who lip syncs Vanilla Ice, no less).

This is how you make a comedy: create a funny premise (two man-children are forced to coexist when their parents marry) and fill the two leads with hilarious actors (Ferrell and Reilly). Boom! Let the hilarity ensue. But enough about things and stuff, these movies are about one thing...THE QUOTES.


Dale: Why do you have Randy Jackson's autograph on a martial arts weapon?
Brennan: 'Cause I bumped into him and all I had on me was this samurai sword...and you're not gonna NOT get Randy Jackson's autograph, right?

Brennan: I still hate you, but you got a pretty awesome collection of nudie mags.
Dale: Yeah, I got 'em from the 70s, 80s, and 90s. It's like masturbating in a time machine.

Dale: You and your mom are hillbillies. This is a house of learned doctors.

Dale: Dad, we're men. We like to shit with the door open, we talk about pussy, we go on riverboat gambling trips, and we make our own beef jerky. That's what we do, and now that is all wrecked.
Dr. Doback: We have literally never done any of those things.

Alice: I wanna roll you up into a little ball and shove you up my vagina.

Dale: Suppose Nancy sees me coming out of the shower and decides to come on to me. I'm looking good, got a luscious V of hair going through my chest pubes down to my ball fro. She takes one look at me and goes "Oh my God, I've had the old bull, now I want the young calf" and she grabs me by the wiener.

Brennan: I've got a belly full of white dog crap in me and now you lay this shit on me?!

On a final note, this movie reaches epic status for no other reason than it is the ONLY movie in history (Besides the truly horrific Children at Play) that shows adults beating up children. It's usually the other way around, but little kids are crap and I'm proud that McKay had the good sense to include two full grown men beating the piss out of a bunch of middle schoolers. If you have a problem with movies glorifying child abuse, do me a favor and just shut...shut your mouth...just shut your mouth for a second...

Why It's Awesome: Will Ferrell + John C. Reilly + Adam McKay + no real plot = EPIC WIN!

Best Quote (There's really only one thing left to say...):


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