Sunday, May 20, 2012

Dead Man on Campus (1998)

The cover of this movie says that it’s the best college comedy since Animal House. One word: FALSE! That honor would go to Old School. Is this the best college comedy you can watch on television on a rainy Sunday afternoon? No, probably not, but it’s still worth watching if there’s nothing better on for one reason…ZACK MORRIS!

In this movie Zack Morris and some other douche are roommates in college who spend their days drinking and smoking and generally not studying. When they discover they’re on the verge of getting kicked out of school, they plan on taking advantage of a loophole in the college charter that states that anyone whose roommate commits suicide gets straight A’s. So they venture out to find the most suicidal student on campus to move in with them and boost their GPAs.

The humor is something most people might find hilarious only if they’re really, really high, but some of it is actually pretty funny. Lochlyn Munro steals the show with his insane frat boy, Cliff (“Do you ever get horny?”) with his couch humping and weird interior mouth licking. Actually, all the roommates are pretty funny. In addition to Cliff, there’s also the paranoid roommate who thinks Bill Gates is trying to steal his brain and the suicidal rocker and lead singer of Kiss My Ass who turns out not only to be NOT suicidal but not even British!

The supporting cast definitely outshines Zack Morris and that other dude. My favorite part about watching this movie in 2K12 is that Marshall and Lilly of How I Met Your Mother fame round out the supporting cast. Actually, if you replace Zack Morris’ s roommate, Josh, with Barney and Poppy “I never forget anything” Montgomery with Kelly Kapowski, this might actually be a pretty decent flick.
My words are my sperm/spewing forth my tragic germ…

Why It's Not so Awesome: If I had to choose a subject to NOT make a comedy about, suicide would be in the top three. I hope there's a sequel where Josh and Cooper sponsor a girl who wants to get an abortion or where they pretend to have AIDS for some kind of scholarship because those are also awesome subjects for a comedy.

Best Quote:

Cliff: Do you guys ever get really horny?
Cooper: Depends where you're going with this.

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