Thursday, December 23, 2010

Army of Darkness (1992)

Hail to the king, baby...

If the difference in tone was significant between the original Evil Dead and its sequel, then be prepared to enter a different universe with Army of Darkness. In fact, I have to agree with the fans who say this shouldn't even be counted as an Evil Dead movie. It's not. Bruce Campbell isn't even acting here. He's not Ash...he's fucking BRUCE CAMPBELL. The opening even says, "Bruce Campbell vs. The Army of Darkness."

Sure, we get one outing with the Evil-cam but all the original horror elements have vanished here (including the over-the-top gore), replaced with ridiculous slapstick comedy (Ash vs. tiny Ash clones and then Ash vs. skeleton mannequins) and one-liners spit out by a hardcore action hero equipped with a chainsaw and his trademark, "boomstick."

There's a reason Army of Darkness is a cult classic...mainly because it's FUCKING AWESOME! This movie kicks the shit out of basically every movie made between the years 2000 - 2010. At no point was this trying to be anything but campy action fun featuring Bruce Campbell. I don't even think this movie was made to make money (an impossible feat by today's standards). It just seems like a movie where a bunch of buddies got together with millions of dollars and said, "Let's make a movie that kicks ass about Bruce fighting a bunch of skeleton dummies and throw in some cheap claymation." And you know what? They succeeded.

No one can watch this movie and not have fun. I watched this movie with my wife (who is a big fan of another Raimi project, Xena: Warrior Slut) and even she enjoyed it. Of course, that could have something to do with her being wet for Bruce Campbell, but, in all fairness, who ISN'T wet for Bruce Campbell? Fuck, I'm wet for Bruce Campbell. Groovy...

Why It's Awesome: Two Words...Bruce Campbell.

Best Quotes (Here we go...):

"You see this? This is my BOOMSTICK!"

"Shop S-Mart."

"You ain't leadin' but two things right now: Jack and shit...and Jack left town."

"Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun."

"Honey, you got real ugly."

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