Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Princess Bride (1987)


All right, I know he has a minor role, but he's still in there.

The Princess Bride is one of those rare movies that you watch as a kid and still love just as much as an adult. As a kid, I loved the sword fights and the R.O.U.S. and the storming of the castle. As an adult, I love the humor and the satirical look at fairy tales. It's just a good movie. It really does come off as some old fairytale a grandfather is telling his grandson (Kevin Arnold). It's innocent and fun and there's some twists here and there (Westley dying catches you off guard the first viewing), but you know true love will prevail in the end.

The characters are perfect. I couldn't picture anyone else playing any of the characters. When the movie was first being cast, Andre the Giant wasn't available. Instead, the director was looking to hire a nobody to play the giant, Fezzik...a nobody named ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER! Can you imagine Arnold saying, "Anyone want a peanut?" Anyways, Andre was made for the part, as was pretty much everyone in this film. The only character I don't really enjoy is Billy Crystal's portrayal of Miracle Max, which comes off as a little too Jew-heavy for my taste.

My family and I used to quote this movie all the time and then I married a woman who quotes the movie AND knows all the lyrics to the music. Everyone knows "Hello. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die" and "Inconceivable" and "As you wish" least everyone should. People are so lame nowadays. Whenever I quote a totally sweet movie and no one knows what I'm quote from, all I can think is...INCONCEIVABLE! And yes, I know what it means.

Why It's Awesome: Just listen to the settings and tell me the movie's not awesome: Cliffs of Insanity, Fire Swamp, Pit of Despair. And one other small factor...KEVIN FUCKIN' ARNOLD!

Best Quote:

Buttercup: Westley, what about the R.O.U.S.s?
Westley: The Rodents of Unusual Size? I don't think they exist.

Westley is then immediately pwned by an ROUS.

1 comment:

  1. LOL mind If I Steal your pic, I'm Reviewing this Movie Too. Although I'm not Too Good yet. Yours Is a Good read tho... Thanks Keep it Up. And I would love to hear Arnold Say Anybody want a Peanut...Followed by Put the Cookie Down Of Course. hehehe Yeah This Is Andre's part I heard they Were Thinking Of Doing a Sequel. I really hope It was Just a Trollish rumour.
