Sunday, May 23, 2010

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989)

Every now and then you reach into the BAG 'O FATE and the Powers That Be smile down on you...
Indiana Jones was my hero growing up. Indiana Jones is THE greatest hero in cinematic history (Atticus Finch my ass, AFI!).
And, as a special gift from the Movie Fates, the first Indiana movie I get to review is my absolute favorite. Now people will argue to death that Raiders is the clear-cut best of the trilogy (There are only three Indiana Jones movies...only three I tell you!), but, in my humble opinion, Last Crusade is easily more fun and more action-packed than the original.
Just the simple fact that they made JAMES BOND Indiana Jones' father makes this movie beyond epic. Ford and Connery have AMAZING chemistry, and, in the end, that's what makes this movie an absolute masterpiece in the adventure genre. They keep the relationship light and entertaining and avoid getting too mushy, but it's an amazing pair and having the relationship as the central focus of the film was simply brilliant (obviously not Lucas's idea).
Nearly every scene in this film is memorable for one reason or another. I'll just list the scenes and, if you're any kind of Indy fan, an image will automatically pop into your head that will, no doubt, supply you with an instant boner:
* The train scene
* The catacombs scene
* The boat scene
*The castle scene
*The motorcycle chase scene
* The blimp scene
*The tank scene
*The grail scenes
Just classic, classic stuff here.
The reason this movie kicks so much ass is that it took what was great about the first movie and simply added to it. You've got the return of some favorite characters in Sallah and Marcus Brody, the return of the Nazis as the villains, and a Christian artifact is once again the central focus. Add to that James Bond (a BIG improvement over Short Round from ToD), and you've got the greatest adventure movie in cinematic history...believe it!
Let us all remember Indiana Jones in this film rather than in THE FILM THAT MUST NOT BE SPOKEN OF...which any respectable Indy fan must abhor until one's dying days. Death to you Spielberg and Lucas...obviously Last Crusade was a gift from God itself because you clowns can't make a decent movie to save your pathetic lives...may you both rot in Hell for eternity for what you did to Indiana Jones. That is all.
Why It's Epic: Indiana Jones and James Bond together as father and son, killing Nazis, avoiding booby traps, and banging the same chick. INDIANA JONES RULES!
Best Quote:
Indiana: No ticket...(legendary)

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