Friday, March 5, 2010

Knocked Up (2007)

All right...I know this blog is called retro movie reviews and a movie from 2007 isn't all that retro, but fuck you. A few new millennium movies snuck into my random movie sack simply because I enjoy watching them. And here's one of them....

If my wife and I are trying to decide on a movie to watch, we can always agree on Knocked Up. It's just a funny flick and it reminds us why we don't want to have kids any time in the near future.
Here's the evolutionary cycle: Anchorman begat 40-Year-Old Virgin which begat Knocked Up which begat Forgetting Sarah Marshal.
And what do all four of these movies have in common that makes them totally fucking awesome(Sarah Marshal to a lesser degree)?
Paul Rudd is awesomeness personified. He's the ultimate wingman. If I could choose any celebrity to chill with at a bar it would be Paul Rudd because you know he would totally do what he had to to get you laid...including letting you borrow his Sex Panther cologne (60% of the time, it works...every time.).
Anyways, this movie explores the following concept: What would happen if a good-looking bitch got knocked up by an overweight, ugly Jew? Honestly, do you think there was even a script for this movie? It seems like the actors are all just saying whatever the fuck they want throughout the whole movie. Luckily everyone in the movie is hilarious, even the supporting cast.
- You've got Leslie "Let's get some fuckin' French Toast" Mann as Heigl's sister.
- You've got the fat kid from Superbad.
- You've got Jason Segel...who is always naked in his movies for some reason.
- You've got Kristen Wiig who is on the screen for less than five minutes but is hilarious every single second she's onscreen.
- And you've got the most underrated comic in film today, Ken Jeong, who plays the asshole doctor
My only real complaint with this movie is that Katherine Heigl is too much of a bitch in the movie and in real life to be likable. Seth Rogen is hilarious and you feel bad he has to put up with all her bullshit. Heigl is a bitch who openly knocked this movie as being "sexist" after it made her a big star. Who does she think she is? Megan Fox? Stupid cunts...
Why It's Awesome: A shitload of funny people saying a bunch of funny shit about something as serious as bringing another human life into the world.
Best Quote:
[After Ben and Pete make several totally sweet Back to the Future references]

Debbie: I've got a really good idea. Why don't the two of you get into your time machine, go back in time, and fuck each other?
Pete: Who needs a time machine?

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